Saturday, August 1, 2009

the freed spirit of prose breaks through the boundaries of rhyme and structure

i cannot breathe regularly
what is causing this disparity?
this heart has no air
and i have no care
surely somehow there is clarity

must trust in these vibrations
must feel this flow out
why is it hard to let go?
what do i need to know?
or rather remember about?

the answer will come when you release
the universe gives what you desire
why hold all this tension
with this(me)and that (god)'s extension
the picture above is higher.

this plan is preconceived
and these roots in place
it will grow towards the sun
let it break free and run
this dream is a race

whoever gets to the top wins
the prize is to help another
to climb up their ladder,
make them gladder
this is the only true mother

toward the higher realms we must fly
to a place beyond the sky
this poem has lost it's boundaries
this being has uplifted
beyond mere structure
which confines yet is a stepping stone
to the freedom which comes with release
into the ubiquitous dimensions of peace
this experience is incredible
let go and enjoy
with this appreciation will sprout
the seeds of well being
to mature and blossom
into the flowers of eden

perhaps even produce a fruit
a fruit is a life within a life
so is a flower
do we consider the life span of the tree, the fruit or the flower?
surely all are important
or is the larger life more important?
the culmination of these things
the tree is a treat
and so is this life
this life full of drama
is it's own creation
a life within a life of a larger picture
let go and let flow that which is so
you are amazing you are a blessing
let go and stop all the stressing
this poem seems to be prose
yet some rhyme it still throws
as nothing matters
and there is no right way
do what is right
what makes you take flight
just do it just do it just do it
stop thinking stop worrying
just go with what's flowing
you create your drama
you create dis-ease
why can't you just release?
it is the best way
to manifest what you pray
you are getting what you always asked for
although it may not be the dream you were expecting
you will make it, you will get there
in fact you are here already
just love where you are
because it is meant to be
be grateful of the gift of humanity
i'm grateful with this communication
with my higher self or beyond
i wish that it could be in control all the time

deep breathing is the key
to success is this incarnation
open the heart
like it was before the part (with love)
all problems since then have been caused
by this increasing distemper

I've opened up to my own truth
it is not for you it is for me
we each have our own
if you are reading this then please understand that this is my journey and it is right for me.
judging my path will only hinder your own.

This path has been unravelling since the beginning of time
this strand is my own on this branch divine
all of the past has been settin gme up for now
and now, the future
i am in control of my destiny
no need to worry
it only keeps you from the your heart's true desires
follow what you want and you will be at peace
this is how to help another
by achieving inner peace, we can create outer peace
human by human, species to species.
lets's learn from the plants
and honour the creatures
thier truth do they follow
they know no other
this higher dimension of consciousness evolved in man
creates difficulties in following the plan
this 4th dimensional drama is a gate
to the 5th dimension of spirit that will wait
for the fear of physicality to be let go
so the truth of the spirit can flow

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