Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Power of Now with You (Illusion of Love)

You make me want to be on this plane of existence
of which my consciousness usually holds up resistance.
This level of being's duality
makes our sex a reality.
Lets lose out selves together
and be one in the forever.
Beyond the five senses
lets tear down the fences.
The boundaries keep us fixed
in the illusion that is the matrix.
Lets go beyond into the unknown
through each other, our selves re-shown.
No thoughts, no sounds, no words, no fear
through nothingness will knowing re-appear.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Love knows no limits

Why does this body hold me down
when my soul is magnetised to you?
The force of gravity keeps me on the ground,
but my heart travels faster than the speed of sound.

If infinite love and potential flow through my veins,
why do I let mere Earthly obligations hold me back?
No barrier or prison can make this love contained,
or this heart be gagged and maimed.

This feeling cannot be bought at any cost,
I will let it be expressed to you soon.
Though never met, was never lost.
we are all One in this great cosmos.

Will it be a happy ending?
I cannot say until the moment comes.
Upon this matrix I cannot be depending,
the only truth is the one my heart is sending.

Infinite love is the only truth, all else is but illusion,
though this mortal coil confuses with emotion and mind.
Let's free ourselves from societal delusion,
and live in every new now as it's own conclusion.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

beanamo and the i ching

the heavens send their blessing
in the shape of a man
the synchronicity is profound
in that which is mundane all around.

the sacred path unfolds
with passion and intention.
trusting intuition has so far lead to here
the future beckons to let go of fear.

all the the signs of the past unite
in a jigsaw puzzle of time.
all that has been done was for this moment
it's all coming together in this living sacrement.

the future is decided
though the story is yet to be told.
the mere mortal has the illusion of free will
but it is the major plan that we must fulfill.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bill and a bong(well kinda)

The passion of every moment,

draws the soul into being

By paying attention to what the heart sees,

the road becomes one of ease

This individual choice of perspective,

enables destiny to proceed

Disregarding “should do’s”

Preferring only the “want to’s”

Only you know what your soul needs,

choose your own rules

There is not only one path to enlightenment,

decide on each or your rules in each ‘present’

This paradoxical illusion

is a spiral of duality

Love and fear intermingling

to which way will your heart be singing?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Poetry of a longing heart

The lovers share their moment of clarity
but the moment is not well received.
The onlooker is a jealous mute
she feels as though she's been thieved.
The storm clouds gather up ahead,
the flood waters they will bring.
Tears of sorrow will seem to bring the end.
Though through cleansing pain, the heart will again sing.

The Goddess of Destruction will strike again
with her fires which burn off decay.
New life and new love is set forth
in a cycle of change for a fresh day.

The seasons of the isolation
in a constant state of renewal.
Sparks of inspiration and energy
abound with love as her fuel.
And so the current moment is best appreciated
for it will not remain for long.
The gifts of the darkness long to be seen
in it' own quiet song.

The god of love and creation works seemingly in mysterious ways,
yet within the eye of the storm our consciousness is focused and energy invested.
With this transformative intention energy becomes matter...
and love manifested.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


The night before last when I was camping at Crab Creek with Kay, I had a dream that I was swimming in the ocean and before I knew it a tidal wave came upon me, although it was moving away from the land and out to sea. The wave was massive and there was no point in me trying to fight it, so I decided to just relax and go with it. I could feel myself breathing somehow despite being under the water as it washed me out to see. Once I was out to see I realised there were trees out there that I could catch onto. The trees were decorated as if people had often washed out to sea and recovered in these trees as a kind of sport. Kind of like at sports and swimming carnivals the stands are decorated by coloured streamers. I realised then that there were thin chains that lead back to the shore, in a diagonal motion. I was able to follow these chains back to shore despite the chains not actually being tied to anything and the chains being quite thin. Once I was back to shore I spoke to someone who asked about the trees. I told the person how the trees have been decorated by people who must wash out to see for sport.

I believe that this dream symbolises the development of my intuition. I believe the water represents the flow of my intuition and that I need to trust in this massive force and relax. Pushing through this fear is necessary to reap the rewards of the universe. Other people have gone before me and have discovered the joy that can come in overcoming fear. Once I am able to release into my intuition, relax and push through my fears I will be able to discover the hidden joys of life and return to share this experience with others and support them in their own journey.

Last night I dreamed I was wearing my Pelican Kowi School shirt. I can't remember anymore, I've left it too late and other things have got in the way of my intuitive dream.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Proclaimers, Bob Marley and the Law of Attraction

The Proclaimers - "I'm on my way"

I'm on my way from misery to happiness today
I'm on my way from misery to happiness today
I'm on my way to what I want from this world
And years from now you'll make it to the next world
And everything that you receive up yonder
Is what you gave to me the day I wandered

I took a right, I took a right turning yesterday
I took a right, I took a right turning yesterday
I took the road that brought me to your home town
I took the bus to streets that I could walk down
I walked the streets to find the one I'd looked for
I climbed the stair that led me to your front door
And now that I don't want for anthing
I'd have Al Jolson sing "I'm sitting on top of the world"

I'll do my best, I'll do my best to do the best I can
I'll do my best, I'll do my best to do the best I can
To keep my feet from jumping from the ground dear
To keep my heart from jumping through my mouth dear
To keep the past, the past and not the present
To try and learn when you teach me a lesson

And now that I don't want for anything
I'd have Al Jolson sing "I'm sitting on top of the world".

Positive Vibration lyrics Live if you want to live

Rastaman vibration yeah! Positive

I and I vibration yeah! Positive
I a man iration yeah! Irie ites
Positive vibration yeah! Positive

If you get down and quarrel everyday
You're saying prayers to the devil, I say
Why not help one another on the way
Make it much easier

Say you just can't live that negative way
You know what I mean
Make way for the positive day

Want More lyrics

Now you get what you want,

Do you want more (want more)
Now you get what you want,
Do you want more (want more)

You think it's the end,
But it's just the beginning.
You think it's the end,
But it's just the beginning.
Go down back-biter, down back-bite; down back-biter, down back-bite!
Down back-biter, down back-biter; down back-biter, down back-bite!

They stab you in the back

Monday, August 3, 2009

Restlessness descends upon the freespirit bound by the shackles of committment

The vines of restlessness descend
on this place, this dead end
there is more out there over the oceans
keel over here and there to meet some friends
get lost in deep conversation

this girl should be free
in the lands of ecstasy
much frollicking to do
and experimenting too
release these shackles of obligation

the people of whom i connect
are my siblings, my sect
our hearts must again join
in a linkage of groin
orgies may happen if desired

but really this girl needs to feel alive
every second to feel that drive
that keeps joy in the heart
like was intended from the start
wish from this job I could get fired

have to push through this challenge
it is a pilgrimage to stonehenge
each step is part of my journey
let go and let god be
let the oversoul enjoy this moment

the goddess of 'destruction' shall be invited
to bring chaos and then with joy let me be reunited
trust in the path, do what feels right
as painful as it is, the rewards are in sight
with optimystic visionary everything will be made clear.

Kali, mistress of Time and Change
may you create upheaval in my life
to resurrect the joy and peace that I have so been longing for
May you clear out my shadow and purify me for the path of love and enlightenment that lays ahead.

Says the Mahanirvana Tantra: "Just as all colors disappear in black, so all names and forms disappear in her".

Her girdle of severed human hands signifies work and liberation from the cycle of karma. Her white teeth show her inner purity, and her red lolling tongue indicates her omnivorous nature — "her indiscriminate enjoyment of all the world's 'flavors'." Her sword is the destroyer of false consciousness and the eight bonds that bind us.

Her three eyes represent past, present, and future, — the three modes of time — an attribute that lies in the very name Kali ('Kala' in Sanskrit means time). The eminent translator of Tantrik texts, Sir John Woodroffe in Garland of Letters, writes, "Kali is so called because She devours Kala (Time) and then resumes Her own dark formlessness."

"Releasing Aboriginal spirits with the combined power of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Rainbow Serpent"

I'm meant to be here. There is spiritual work to be done here through my presence.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

the freed spirit of prose breaks through the boundaries of rhyme and structure

i cannot breathe regularly
what is causing this disparity?
this heart has no air
and i have no care
surely somehow there is clarity

must trust in these vibrations
must feel this flow out
why is it hard to let go?
what do i need to know?
or rather remember about?

the answer will come when you release
the universe gives what you desire
why hold all this tension
with this(me)and that (god)'s extension
the picture above is higher.

this plan is preconceived
and these roots in place
it will grow towards the sun
let it break free and run
this dream is a race

whoever gets to the top wins
the prize is to help another
to climb up their ladder,
make them gladder
this is the only true mother

toward the higher realms we must fly
to a place beyond the sky
this poem has lost it's boundaries
this being has uplifted
beyond mere structure
which confines yet is a stepping stone
to the freedom which comes with release
into the ubiquitous dimensions of peace
this experience is incredible
let go and enjoy
with this appreciation will sprout
the seeds of well being
to mature and blossom
into the flowers of eden

perhaps even produce a fruit
a fruit is a life within a life
so is a flower
do we consider the life span of the tree, the fruit or the flower?
surely all are important
or is the larger life more important?
the culmination of these things
the tree is a treat
and so is this life
this life full of drama
is it's own creation
a life within a life of a larger picture
let go and let flow that which is so
you are amazing you are a blessing
let go and stop all the stressing
this poem seems to be prose
yet some rhyme it still throws
as nothing matters
and there is no right way
do what is right
what makes you take flight
just do it just do it just do it
stop thinking stop worrying
just go with what's flowing
you create your drama
you create dis-ease
why can't you just release?
it is the best way
to manifest what you pray
you are getting what you always asked for
although it may not be the dream you were expecting
you will make it, you will get there
in fact you are here already
just love where you are
because it is meant to be
be grateful of the gift of humanity
i'm grateful with this communication
with my higher self or beyond
i wish that it could be in control all the time

deep breathing is the key
to success is this incarnation
open the heart
like it was before the part (with love)
all problems since then have been caused
by this increasing distemper

I've opened up to my own truth
it is not for you it is for me
we each have our own
if you are reading this then please understand that this is my journey and it is right for me.
judging my path will only hinder your own.

This path has been unravelling since the beginning of time
this strand is my own on this branch divine
all of the past has been settin gme up for now
and now, the future
i am in control of my destiny
no need to worry
it only keeps you from the your heart's true desires
follow what you want and you will be at peace
this is how to help another
by achieving inner peace, we can create outer peace
human by human, species to species.
lets's learn from the plants
and honour the creatures
thier truth do they follow
they know no other
this higher dimension of consciousness evolved in man
creates difficulties in following the plan
this 4th dimensional drama is a gate
to the 5th dimension of spirit that will wait
for the fear of physicality to be let go
so the truth of the spirit can flow

Consciousness and expansion of the observed atom/ego/god/universe

the spheres of consciousness beckon forward
the path is drawn toward

the direction clears as trust is placed in infinity
there is no limit in capacity

this atom is a bomb waiting to detonate
with each destruction opens forth the gate

only think of now to avoid missing the target
as with optimism destiny is met

the only way is forward we must remember
christmas is celebrated after november
this moment is the only one to know
within these collections of atoms we grow

through this expansion of personal universes
cosmic consciousness traverses


May we not allow external disruptions to destroy us or our own outer fears to implode us.
May we exist in harmony with the reality of who we are in this moment.
May the destruction of our misguided choice direct us back in line with the path to Divinity.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The light she shines on his dark day is hurtful

Into the night the lover weeps
She does not know her path
The man she loves waits from afar
She can't help but laugh
The silence around her is apparent
as she lies upon the grass
Her mind wonders what could be
if only she'd let herself in his grasp.

Why does she run from the one she wants?
Why can't she be humble?
The world is so wide and amazing,
it makes her tumble and tumble.

Surely this romance is not bliss
How could it be with such pain?
She inflicts pain upon herself and him.
Towards herself she feels disdain.

The one is there, but not wanted yet
This causes much affliction.
Torn between two opposing desires
Not wanting to make a decision.

The sun shines when the day is dark
It seems to be the way life goes.
A loving heart joins their two bodies
From this shame and sadness flows.
How will this poem end?
How will their heart mend?
The light is at it's brightest in the deepest darkness

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Alex Grey & Moqui Balls

"Theologue" by American artist Alex Grey

What an inspiring human being.

Moqui balls, healing stones used by native American shamans
What incredibly powerful spheres of matter

Monday, February 16, 2009

My cloud (January 2007)

clouds race overhead
as i think of you in my bed.
they pass me by
without waving goodbye.

but you are the humidity
my sustainability.
my fall and ascent.

you are the O
in the air that I blow.
without you I'd only be 'see'

so clouds, farewell
in my breath do you dwell.
however i pray that one morn
that shape will reform.

reopen my heart
as you did in the start.
free me of fear
truth reappear.

though for that cloud i am not ready
all pure and steady.
it is my peak
completely unique.

it is my end
on my life depends.
with it nothing matters
so i must first climb this ladder.

made only for me
only i can see.
you are my whole
the drive of my soul.

my everything
my nothing